Category Archives: photography

Fixing Lomo UPB-1A upper spool shaft / bolt /screw – for good.

So, the infamous Lomo UPB-1A upper spool shaft / bolt /screw… It failed, didn’t it? The M10 screw snapped off at the stem right away and there’s no glue that will hold. Known issue. There are two fixes known to … Continue reading

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Yunnan 2008

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Some archival shots from India are online

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Calibrating Gossen Lunasix 3 (LunaPro)

Gossen Lunasix 3, although built around the early ’70, is a very capable hand-held meter even by today standards. It beats my Canon 20D built-in meter in terms of actual low-light performance by 5 stops. Unfortunately it belongs to one of these designs, that relied on mercury battery voltage staying constant throughout their life and mercury batteries were banned few years ago. This article describes, how to deal with this problem. Continue reading

Posted in photography, Tools etc. | 55 Comments

On CdS meters

Here: on CdS light meters v0.3.pdf you can find the most up-to-date version of my writeup on CdS meters. This is work in progress, but I wanted to use this excerpt in a web discussion already. I will update this … Continue reading

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