Category Archives: rants etc.

De-brick a Fujitsu-Siemens Loox (Or flash it back to original)

Well. I got me a PDA. A Loox 610 BT from fujitsu-siemens. Used of course, and a brick too. Quite dead a brick to be exact. It was sold as good, arrived with a crashed flash, I won’t dig into … Continue reading

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Long time no see :)

It’s been a while since my last post. A lot of things happened. I’ve switched over almost completely to analog. I don’t touch my digital cam except for the cases when I want to have something real fast, or when … Continue reading

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My very first print :)

Well, since I used only a 6×6 on the trip to Italy, I have now a ,,tiny” problem of getting to see the photos I took 😀 I decided to try contact-printing them, and yestarday I’ve set a guerilla-darkroom up. … Continue reading

Posted in rants etc. | 6 Comments

Back from Italy!

After a week of travelling around I’m back from my holiday in Italy. I did not take any digital camera, except for the one built into my mobile phone 😉 so it will take a moment till I post some … Continue reading

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A single postcard from TĂźbingen… and a few photos from Lichtenstein (the one not too far away from Reutlingen…): [click] (both photos shot with Industar 50/2.8 mounted on an ancient Praktica FX3 – thanx Dizel!)

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