Category Archives: rants etc.


With a presentation held yesterday, at 14.30 on 29th of March 2006, I have finished my Diplomarbeit! In a short time I shall be an engineer with a proper diploma 🙂

Posted in rants etc. | 2 Comments

Dog weather, dog mood…

I developed a second roll of film run thru my old Smiena plastic-fantastic camera. I’m disappointed, I expected a bit better quality anyway… OK, I admit it, both rolls were shot in BAD lightning conditions and that contributes, but it … Continue reading

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I’ve been working in Bruchsal for like 4 years now. I have never yet been to the city itself until Monday this week. Well… Let’s start with a few photos 🙂 There are more to come, bu I’m not sure … Continue reading

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Night ride

I really like trams. I love the old ones, but that’s another story. I like them all. And I like them most at night. You know, when it’s cold outside, maybe raining even, and inside it’s warm, bright and quiet…

Posted in photography, rants etc. | 7 Comments

modern.reading series…

Again a candidate for the series of modern.reading. I’d appreciate feedback

Posted in photography, Photos, rants etc. | 1 Comment